Wordy Introduction

Back in 2016, I purchased my very first domain wordysturdy.net, to help support a 24-hour ‘Scrabblathon’ event I ran and for nearly 7 years, it has lain dormant. Until now… welcome to the world of Wordy Sturdy

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Potted Biography:

Born in the 1970’s (Barns Green Sports and Social Club bingo regulars will know which year) in Essex. Lived in various places in the UK, including Kent, Surrey, Manchester and now a proud resident of Barns Green in West Sussex.

Long-term partner to Jane, even longer-term son to a father and much missed late mother, brother to two fab sisters (middle child!), owned by a dog called Ludo. Cousin and nephew to vast array of lovely people

Stupid amount of hobbies, commitments and diversions from my day job as an “Asset Data Manager” (whatever that is) including:

Music (play double bass in at least 4 contexts and enjoy singing with The Local Vocals & Yokels); Words (obsessive Scrabble player, Awardsmaster and long-term contributor to The Anagrammy Awards (www.anagrammy.com), proud owner of a Countdown Winner’s teapot (Nick Hewer era broadcast 30 Oct – 6 November 2018) and occasional poet); Sports (occasional runner, including Barns Green Half Marathon veteran and one-time Brighton Marathon survivor in 2022); Scouting Volunteer (1st Shipley Scout Group and Horsham District roles since 2007); Dog person since 2012; Charity fundraiser, Bingo Caller and quizzer when time allows…

The plan is to use this site for storing fun things, word and music resources, and advertise events where either or both of Jane and I are playing music/singing. With so many other talented musical relatives and friends, the Music-Diary page may very well be extended to include their events too.


Ako nema drugog liječnika, u potpunosti prestanite seksualne kontakte dva tjedna prije očekivane isporuke. U ovom trenutku žena poboljšava cijena viagre u ljekarnama hormona oksitocina, koji aktivira kontraktilni kapacitet maternice i može uzrokovati preranu generaciju tijekom spola. Osim toga, u ovom je trenutku bolje ne ometati mikrofloru vagine, tako da kada pređe generičke staze, dijete je uhvatilo neku infekciju.